Cycling for Everyone, Everywhere.​

Vélo Canada Bikes is a dynamic organization providing a strong national voice for everyday cycling in Canada. We envision a Canada where people of all ages and abilities can cycle safely, conveniently, and enjoyably to/from/within any community in the country.

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For a bike-friendly Canada

Since 2012 Velo Canada Bikes has worked for a bike friendly Canada. Hosting national Bike Summits, cycling industry round tables, lobby days in Ottawa, National Advocacy Check-Ins and more, VCB facilitates dialogue in Canada on cycling, using science and evidence-based research, benchmarking, best practices and policies.

Our Priorities

Our work is focused around the following priority areas, but definitely not limited to them.

Data and Evidence

To make the best possible decisions there is a need for high quality data. Vélo Canada Bikes identifies cycling data gaps and develops initiatives to fill the gaps. 

Federal Support for Cycling

A key part of our work is to ensure adequate federal policy and funding support for cycling. We have had significant successes in this area and continue to advocate for ongoing federal support.

Support for Local Cycling Advocacy

Vélo Canada Bikes champions and supports the work of cycling advocates across the country

  • Monthly Cross Country Advocacy Calls
  • Newsletter
  • Advocacy Support

Better access

Vélo Canada Bikes is always working to ensure that everyone has the choice to safely use a bicycle for any journey. Part of this effort involves identifying and working to remove barriers to safe cycling access. 

  • E-Bike and Cargo Bike Legislation
  • Equity in Cycling
  • Safe and Complete Cycling Infrastructure
Person on bike in Canada

Become a Member​

Our members make us who we are. Vélo Canada Bikes offers several annual membership options. Whether you are an enthusiastic individual or representing an organization that shares our vision, become a member today! The people and organizations who support us want a better country for themselves, their family, their employees and strangers they’ve never met. Simply put, become a member of Vélo Canada Bikes and you join a community of people with a vision. 

Support our vision​

Cycling makes Canada better. Want to help us make a change? Donate to support the work we do! 

woman biking with child in winter
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