Our AGM is coming up on September 26th. Here is everything you need to know. Thanks for being part of the Vélo Canada Bikes family and for your interest in the work we do.
When: Sunday, September 26, 2021 3:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Who: Everyone is welcome to attend! Note: only members can vote. We appreciate every single member. To check your membership status, contact us at [email protected]
How: Registration required to attend. Please note that multiple members of organizations may attend, but only 1 vote per organization will be counted unless individuals have single memberships.
1. Call to Order
2. Special Guest (TBA)
3. Report from the Chair
4. Financial Report
5. Nominations
6. 2-minute updates from across Canada
7. Election Results
8. AGM Adjournment
Elections: We are currently seeking board members, specifically someone with a legal background or financial / treasurer experience. Elections are open to members across the country. Apply today!