The original mission of Vélo Canada Bikes was to get a national cycling strategy and dedicated funding for cycling infrastructure in Canada. In the 10 years since the founding of Vélo Canada Bikes, that mission shifted to a call for an active transportation strategy and funding.
In March of 2021, the Government of Canada asked VCB to facilitate and host a series of national round tables to gather feedback and input for their commitment to a National Active Transportation Strategy and Fund. On July 28th, 2021, the government released their National Active Transportation Strategy, fulfilling their promise and VCB’s work. At that July announcement they also announced the creation of the National Active Transportation Fund of $400M over 5 years.
National Active Transportation Strategy
January 27, 2022, the AT Fund is now open and accepting applications from eligible applicants who wish to help build new and expanded networks of pathways, bike lanes, trails and pedestrian bridges. Funding is available for planning projects as well as capital projects.
Active Transportation Fund Applications
This is a milestone for cycling and active transportation in Canada. For the first time, federal funding will be dedicated to cycling, right across the country. It is a necessary component for a Bike Friendly Canada. It is a needed first step. And it is a first step. Vélo Canada Bikes remains committed to working for a Canada that has cycling for everyone, everywhere. The nations Strategy and Fund are successes for VCB, they are first steps for us as well. Together, we will build a Bike Friendly Canada