Election 2015 Survey Evaluation

In our spirit of “bike partisanship”, we asked all of the federal party leaders to respond to a questionnaire containing two important questions on infrastructure funding and national cycling policy.

We encourage everyone to read the responses we received in detail, as well as the full party platforms and to do their own analysis.

To help folks scanning numerous issues during the election interpret the answers, we convened a small panel of experts in cycling policy from around the country to independently evaluate the answers. Then we averaged their scores.

Here are the overall results:




Panel members were asked to score each of the responses using this criteria and scoring system. The overall score represents a simple average of the scores from all panelists. Panelists were asked to remain neutral, fair and to score the parties on their cycling policy only.


Canada Bikes would like to warmly thank the members of the panel:
Mark Cohoe
Executive Director, Bike Winnipeg
Certified CANBike Instructor

Arne Elias PhD MBA
Sustainable Transportation and Energy Specialist

Kay Teschke
Professor at the School of Population and Public Health at the University of British Columbia. Leads the Cycling in Cities program of research examining bicycling motivators and deterrents, and factors that increase or decrease injury risk.

Richard Zach
former Vice President, Bike Calgary

Disagree? Think we missed something?

Tell us. Every opinion matters. The more discussion the better. It’s all part of raising awareness of the importance of cycling as a national issue. We’d love to get your feedback via Twitter, Facebook or email at info[a]canadabikes.org.

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