Walk 21 in Calgary – Speed Date Night & Saturday Workshop

Attention active transportation / safe streets advocates! On Wednesday, Sept 20th join Canada Bikes for an evening of networking during the Walk21 Conference in Calgary, Alberta. We invite all members of non-profit advocacy groups, urban planners and anyone interested in active transportation to attend and submit a 2 minute elevator pitch about your current initiative or your base platform to encourage networking with groups from across the country and beyond our borders.

Canada Bikes in alliance with Green Communities Canada (Canada Walks) and National Active and Safe Routes to School will be sharing thoughts and progress on an Active Transportation National Strategy in anticipation of a workshop September 23rd. We will have each group present their vision, and then enjoy some snacks and Alberta brewed beers ($4.00 pints for attendees!) and explore alliances, partnerships, and potential crossover. Please read more about us and register today!

Please also consider joining us on September 23rd for our workshop.

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