Save the Date: AGM Saturday October 15th

You are cordially invited to attend our 2016 AGM!
It’s an exciting time for cycling in Canada and for Canada Bikes too.

Please save the date: Saturday, October 15th at 1pm Eastern (2pm in Halifax., noon Winnipeg, 11am Calgary, 10am in BC).

If you or your organization is planning to take part, please take a quick moment to RSVP (by filling out this short form). It is greatly appreciated as it will help us plan accordingly. (Organizational member contacts receiving this invitation who plan to delegate another representative for the AGM, please forward this RSVP form to that person. This will let us know who is coming on your organization’s behalf.)

The agenda will include the usual AGM proceedings (report from the chair, financial report, appointment of officers, etc.) including an update on the work we’ve been doing and any exciting new developments.

Importantly, to ensure we make the most of this opportunity of having you with us, there will be an opportunity for discussion so we can hear from you.

Logistical details, (how to dial-in/connect to the meeting, vote, etc..) are being finalized in the coming weeks and will be updated here as well as sent out along with the formal agenda to all members.
Stay tuned and we look forward to hearing form you on October 15th!

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