A look ahead to what VCB will be working on in 2022
2022 will mark 10 years of Vélo Canada Bikes and going forward our work will remain based on four areas of focus
– Advocacy
– Stakeholder Engagement
– Organizational Capacity
– Knowledge Mobilization
The Work Plan covers a lot of the larger initiatives revolving around these 4 areas of focus. We will be building on the successes of the past, while exploring and developing tools for our partners, stakeholders, and members to use to help get the changes needed at the local level.
A copy of the full work plan can be found here: The Bike Lane Ahead
Some of the highlights are:
1) Sondo Vélo/Pedal Poll 2022. Building on the breakout success of Canada’s first national bike count, Pedal Poll/Sondo Vélo will be back, bigger and better. More communities, more volunteers, and more cyclists!
2) Bike Summit 2022: We are in the early stages of planning for the resumption of VCB’s National Bike Summit. We are exploring what worked in the past and what it could be in the future.
3) E-Bike Legislation: E-Bikes are taking the country, and the world, by storm. All orders of government are struggling to keep up. That is resulting in regulations that are a mishmash or can lead to unexpected consequences. VCB will be working at all orders of government to ensure that the e-bike revolution can transform our communities.
4) Active Transportation Strategy & Fund: Now that AT is front and centre for many governments and being recognized as an important part of climate change response, we need more robust tools to help us make the argument for great investment. VCB will do work to help create tools and bring all the information together into a usable form.
There is a lot of other work happening around all of this. We are rebuilding the website, creating a webinar series, establishing member “benefits”, expanding support of local groups, expanding our membership, que nous soyons plus bilingue, connecting with cycling organisations in Europe and the US, and so much more!
Plus, did we mention it is Velo Canada Bikes’ 10 Anniversary?