National Active Transportation Strategy Announced
On July 28th, the Government of Canada announced the National Active Transportation Strategy. Chair Anders Swanson was there for the monumental announcement that was made
On July 28th, the Government of Canada announced the National Active Transportation Strategy. Chair Anders Swanson was there for the monumental announcement that was made
On April 19th, the federal government released their first budget in over 2 years. It has been long anticipated to show the direction for Canada’s
This morning Minister McKenna and Parliamentary Secretary Fillmore announced moving forward with the National Active Transportation Strategy and the creation of a $400 million Active
At the start of the summer, as we were coming out of our first lockdown and governments were looking for economic stimulus programs, Vélo Canada
Transport Canada has made the decision to step away from defining and regulating e-bikes as of February 2021. Since this decision was communicated in February of this
In June/July Velo Canada Bikes sent out a survey to bike shops across Canada. The intent was to get a snapshot of what business was
2020 has been a breakthrough year for Vélo Canada Bikes 2020 marks a quantum step towards what Vélo Canada Bikes has fighting for since the
Vélo Canada Bikes has had an amazing year, and Covid19 has reinvigorated the use of the bicycle while reminding Canadians that streets can be quiet.